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3 Ingredients to Avoid in Your Deodorant

3 Ingredients to Avoid in Your Deodorant

We’ve all experienced those days when we’re sweating up a storm, so we pile on layer after layer of deodorant without even thinking about it. But, have you ever stopped to question what’s actually in your deodorant stick?

Conventional deodorants contain ingredients called antiperspirants that kill the natural bacteria on your skin and help to stop your sweat glands from producing sweat. That may seem good, however there is an issue with this.

Sweating is 100% normal — It’s our body's way of regulating temperature and expelling toxins. The key is getting the protection you want without introducing new toxins into your body.

That's why we created our natural deodorants without these 3 ingredients:

Aluminum – Aluminum is the common active ingredient in antiperspirants. While some studies link aluminum to hormone imbalance, endocrine disruption, cancer, and even Alzheimer’s, the evidence is not conclusive. Another concern is that aluminum causes skin cells to swell shut or clog, preventing your body from sweating, which is natural and healthy for the skin.

Parabens – Parabens are ingredients used as preservatives that interfere with the way your body produces and regulates your hormones. Exposure to parabens has been linked to a growth in cancer cells.

Triclosan – Triclosan is an antibacterial chemical used to kill odor-causing germs. However, it’s an endocrine disruptor and has also been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer.

Offered in two scent profiles, our new MEN deodorant is formulated with CannaCell® hemp stem cells, organic hemp seed oil, vegan probiotics, arrowroot powder, and baking soda.

Our active ingredients, baking soda and arrowroot powder, work in harmony to help eliminate bacteria and odor. Baking soda helps to neutralize odor and arrowroot powder is both anti-bacterial and helps to absorb excess moisture. Vegan probiotics (healthy bacteria) are also beneficial in helping to reduce odor-causing bacteria.

Created for long-lasting performance, our new MEN deodorant is formulated to be safe, effective, and free-of potentially harmful ingredients.

Shop: MEN Botanical Deodorant - Highland Pine and MEN Herbal Deodorant - Mountain Sage